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The campaign will be fueled by grassroots donors like you.

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Dr. Todd’s grandfather on the top right.

Dr. Todd's grandfather, "Reverend John Todd" was a founding Baptist Church minister and owner of a dry-cleaning business in Mobile, Alabama, which set the tone for a legacy of service and entrepreneurship. His father, a deacon in the church, embarked on a journey to California in the 1960s, driven by a vision of a better life. The specter of racial segregation cast a long shadow even in the west. Dr. Todd’s father worked multiple jobs, from janitorial work at Shell Oil company, able building & maintenance (ABM), and finally finding a place at the US Post Office. His mother, an assistant schoolteacher, and his father were staunch "Union Supporters", and their commitment to solidarity and justice would be imprinted on Dr. Todd’s character.

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Supporting Small Businesses

Recognizing the backbone of our economy, Dr. Todd's plan for small businesses resonates with our own history of advocacy.


In the arena of education, Dr. Todd's plan aligns with our conviction that education is the great equalizer.

Guaranteeing Access to Affordable Housing

In the face of an acute housing crisis, Dr. Todd's plan aligns with our vision for abundant and affordable housing.

Protecting and Strengthening Our Democracy

As guardians of democracy, Dr. Todd is willing to the face all threats as your congressman. It's time to fortify our democratic foundations.

news & press

Latest Campaign Developments

So much is happening right now.


Dr. Andre Todd runs for Congressmen

No news is good news


Lieutenant Commander Andre Todd (O4) retires as a Officer from the U.S. Navy in 2023

If you want "news"


Working on the stock exchange

Money is too much fun

Raising Capital: Learned the premier strategies, used by top emerging fund managers, to receive capital for exchange trading, funding projects and investment banking.

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Dr. Todd’s district Area

He is running to represent California’s 12th Congressional District, which is home to over 750,000 people across Alameda County, and includes Alameda, Albany, Berkeley, Emeryville, Oakland, Piedmont, and San Leandro.

His church home for over 30 years is Allen Temple Baptist Church in Oakland.

Announcement photo

Dr.Andre Todd at the White house for an award

The stage was set for Dr. Todd’s military career. One marked by two decades of unwavering commitment to the United States Navy. A commanding officer and mustang who had risen from the enlisted ranks, he navigated (5X +) deployments in "war zones", survived challenges that tested his mettle, and engaged in no less than thirty-eight trainings for war zones and tactical operations. With resilience etched into his very being, he retired as a LCDR.

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War has no friends and is only death

Dr. Todd is an emblem of leadership and showed courage during 20+ years of deployments into wars zones.

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My father would be proud

"Work is work, and outwork everybody towards your goals and dreams."

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My mother would be proud

Dr. Todd’s promised his mother he would always make contributions within his community and the nation at large better.

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top Draft list for USFL, CFL, and NFL

Do more than most, set the goals high, study and train intensely, focus deeply, and burn your boat behind you even if it is only a goal of a second.

"Because most just: talk, watch and bitch".............. Keep pushing toward your greatness, dreams, hopes, and goals.

Number 16 and 40 out of 100,000 Outside Linebackers in the 1985 USFL draft (The League Closed) and the 1986 NFL and CFL Draft.

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"believe the dream"

"Injuries cut and ended my career but am grateful to have touched the stars and reach my goal as an athlete"

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